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19 things I learnt at 19

Hello friends hello! By the time you're reading this, I'll have officially entered 19. Adulting is such a weird thing and I am still learning and exploring from it. And I would like to have a bit of self-reflection here.

p.s The things written below are all my personal thoughts and sorry for some of the unrelated photos.

1) Don't procrastinate

I sometimes procrastinate a lot but I've realized that procrastination is such a bad thing and it is terrible if I make it into a habit. That's why I've learnt not to put things off. If you really want it or achieve something, get off your butt and do it NOW.

2) You don't have to remain friends with someone

18 is a milestone in my life as I entered university. New people came into my life while some left. I was heartbroken at first seeing a few old friends leaving me. Yet, I've gradually realized that it's fine not to stay in some relationships if you think they are not worth it. A small amount of true/close friends is better than a ton of "friends". I can be comfortable having a small social circle. After all, not everyone will stay in your life forever.

3)Be yourself

I know it's more like a cliché to say it but that doesn't make it less important. To be yourself is not easy in this world as there are too many people around you telling you what you should do/who you should be. Don't let others steer you away from what you want. I also struggled to follow my heart but I am happy to be myself now.

4) Family always comes first

Sometimes, we feel like we are grown up and can do whatever we want without asking our parents. The truth is, the people we call daddy and mummy are the most important people in our life(well at least for me) Their support and love mean everything to me. So I am learning to prioritize them more in my life.

5) Be thankful

This one is super straightforward. I won't take everything for granted and I like to appreciate what I have. To be thankful makes you treasure the things you have and gives you comfort.

6) Be with people who make you grow and do great things.

The people around you have so much influence on you so stay with someone who can make you laugh, make you grow and make you do great things to be a better person.

7) Keep some secrets of yourself.

It's good to share some of your secrets with the people you trust. I love to tell my friends and family about what I think:) But that doesn't mean you should tell them everything. Keep your words locked into the bottle is necessary sometimes. You will know what I mean...

8) Learn, learn and learn

Don't miss out every chance to learn. Lifelong learning is cool! Remember, no one is TOO SMART and genius learn too.

9) Don't be afraid to be alone

I know this is right, but I am still struggling with it. I used to be afraid of being alone so I would never eat alone, going for a walk alone or watching a movie alone. I now find that being alone doesn't mean being lonely. So be alone, and be okay with it.

10) Go on adventure and travel around the world

I am so obsessed with traveling and going on adventure! Exploring the world and meeting different people mean so much to me. I 'd love to bounce around to different countries. So one of my biggest resolutions is to TRAVEL MORE.

11) Life is a bitch

Yes, life can be hard. It puts you into emotional turmoils and bring you down. We have no other choice but to have faith in ourselves that we can overcome those obstacles. Never lose hope and keep going!

12) Time Is Your Most Precious Resource

You can never take back your time so don't let it slip through your fingers. I suddenly found that the older I get, the faster life goes by. I am serious, time really flies so make your life meaningful.

13) Surround yourself with cheerful people

Try to eliminate those negative people in your life and stay with more positive people. You don't have to be with someone who tear you down to make them feel better or more superior.

14) Stay fit and treat your body well

Food is awesome, but pals! We don't have to put everything into our mouth ! I used to be a picky eater when I was small. What really shocked me is that many food I used to hate have become my favorite food now (pizza, sushi...)

I find it really hard to lose the stubborn fat on my thigh. Though many people around me saying I am still very slim and I don't need to lose weight. I know I am not satisfied enough with my body so I have to control my diet and stay fit. Girls, please treat your body well and stay fit. You don't have to lose weight if you don't want to. BUT if losing a few pounds make you feel confident and happy, JUST GO FOR IT

15) I love money

Money isn't everything, but it's definitely something. I've been told that money cannot buy everything since I was small. It is true but making a lot of money isn't a bother. Saving money is so important for my future self----a post college girl hunting for a job.

16)You are not perfect, so am I.

No one is perfect. Neither your idols, nor the celebrities and models we see on social media. You have to love and respect yourself before loving others. Social media has contributed to an illusion of perfection. Instead of feeling inferior to others' achievements and successes, we can be proud of them. Remember to embrace your own flaws because they make you into a special and unique human being on earth.

17) Never underestimate the power of girls' talk and hugs

Ok, so I admit that girls' talk and hugs really mean a lot to me and they could be the best bonding in the world.

18) Have a workout routine

It's hard for me to start the first step. I know I am going to get frustrated and feel like it's working way slower than I expected. matter what, I've decided to keep going and never stop working out.

19) You can say "no"

You surely have a right to refuse doing anything you are not comfortable with. For me, I don't go to the party or gathering if I won't be having fun. If you don’t feel comfortable and secure, say no!

Seeing all these written down makes me so excited for my nineteenth year. I hope this year will be new and dramatically special. I’ll embark on new journeys so…

Wish me luck:)))

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